Завдання дня 7 класу ( дві групи)

Тема: Revision

the first: read and translate the text. write in your notebook questions and your answer.

Read the text and do the task.

A newly published report says that girls should eat breakfast every day if they want to stay slim. Some researchers followed the eating habits and weight of nearly 2,400 girls. The conclusion of the findings was that teenage girls who ate cereal for breakfast three times a week or more were more likely to stay slim.

It was proved that «cereal consumption had positive effects on the girls». This is because cereals contain high levels of calcium and fiber and low levels of fat and cholesterol. The researchers suggest that there are other reasons why eating cereal may help girls stay slimmer. One factor is that other healthy things are usually had with cereal, such as milk and juice. Researchers also concluded that cereals help girls to get the right amounts of nutrients.

Say if the following statements true or false.

1. A new diet breakfast cereal has become popular with girls.

2. Researchers followed the eating habits of 2,400 girls for ten years.

3. Girls must eat cereal every day to stay slim.

4. Cereal consumption had positive effects on the girls.

5. Cereal is very high in cholesterol.

6. Milk and juice must be drunk with cereal for people to lose weight.

7. Cereal consumption helps girls get the right amounts of nutrients.

The Ssecond: write and complete the dialogue.

Complete the lay out, follow it and tell how you help at home.

A. Good afternoon, ... . Which chores do you like to do at home?

B. Hello, ... . I like to ... and ... .

How do you help your mum at home?

A. I help my mum ... and ... . How do you help your family at home?

B. I help my dad ... and ... . Which chore do you like best?

A. I like to ... . Which chore do you like best?

B. I like to ... .

A. Ok. I will see you later. I must walk the dog.

Home work: ex.4 p.73( write please transate too)

Тема: Writing a recipe

The first: ( read and translate the dialogue. Make your own dialogue with your friend about cooking some dish - write it in your notebook)

How to make an incredible sandwich
Follow the example and use your own variants.
— Well, would you like a sandwich?
— Yeh, sure.
— Which bread would you like?
— Grain, please.
— Any ketchup?
— A little.
— How much lettuce?
— Not much.
— Now many slices of chicken?
— A lot, please.
— How much red pepper?
— A little.
— How many olives?
— A few, please.
— Any salt and pepper?
— Not much.
— And how much cheese would you like?
— A lot, of course!

The second: ( read and translate)
Ex.3 p. 72.
Home work:
Write your favorite recipe of some dish ( 10 sent.)


Тема: Little or  a few

The first
Answer the questions. ( write the answers in your notebook)

 1. What do you think about fast food?  Is it useful?
 2. What is food for many people?
 3. How do you feel about eating meat?
 4. Do you think that food nowadays is safe?
 5. How important is cooking and eating food for you?

The second.

Write in your notebook.Combine the correct options ( translate in ukrainian) 

1. Dry wine                           a) stale bread
2. Fresh bread                       b) tender meat
3. A heavy meal                    c) a thick soup
4. Tough meat                       d) overcooked vegetables
5. A well done stake             e)  hard drinks
6. Undercooked vegetables   f)raw fish
7. Cooked fish                       g) a light meal
8. A clear soup                      h) sweet wine
9. Soft drinks                         i) a rare steak

The third.

Вживання few

Вимова і переклад:
Few [fju?] / [фьйу] – мало

Значення слова:
Маленька кількість

Few використовується з предметами, які ми можемо порахувати (люди, стільці, квіти, яблука).

Це слово використовується, щоб підкреслити маленька кількість чого-небудь або кого-небудь. Тобто ми говоримо, що у нас недостатня кількість чого-небудь або кого-небудь для певної справи.

Few має негативний зміст, ми говоримо, що чогось мало і ми шкодуємо про це. Наприклад, у неї було мало знайомих в цьому місті, тобто їй не вистачало спілкування і було самотньо.

Вживання little

Вимова і переклад:
Little [?l?tl] / [little] – мало

Значення слова:
Маленька кількість

Little ми використовуємо з предметами, які ми не можемо порахувати (час, гроші, вода, цукор, сіль).

Це слово має таке ж значення, як few, говорить про те, що чого-небудь або кого-небудь недостатньо для якихось цілей. І людини засмучує така мала кількість.

Наприклад, у нього мало грошей, тобто йому не вистачить грошей, щоб купити продукти.

FewA few
There were few customers yesterday.
Вчора було мало клієнтів.
There were a few customers yesterday.
Вчора було кілька клієнтів.
She has few close friends.
Вона має мало близьких друзів.
She has a few close friends.
Вона має кілька близьких друзів.
I know few English songs.
Я знаю мало англійських пісень.
I know a few English songs.
Я знаю кілька англійських пісень.

LittleA little
There is little coffee left.
Кава залишилося мало.
There is a little coffee left.
Залишилося трохи кави.
We have little time.
У нас мало часу.
We have a little time.
У нас трохи часу.
Home work:

Make 10 sentences with Few and Little. ( write it in your notebook and sent it all to my Viber)


Тема: Set the table

Let’s make an ex. 4 p. 70/71 - please write with what we can set the table for dinner 
Let’s make an ex. 5 p. 71( for home work)
Виконані вправи запишіть у зошит і відправте мені на вайбер;)

11/14.2020( для обох груп)
Тема:  All about food 
Завдання: прочитати та зробити переклад тексту на сторінці 64 вправа 1( a/b) .
Варіант b записати у зашит. Відповісти на запитання по тексту. Переклад записати у зошит.

16.10.2020 Тема: Home reading 
Завдання додому: Знайти текст в інтернета, або будь-де, прочитати і зробити переклад.

 19.10.2020 Тема: Plane of school
 Виконайте вправу 1 ст. 35. Намалюйте план школи, яка описана в завданні у зошит. Завдання додому: вправа 2,3 ст. 35 письмово у зошит.

 20,21.10.2020 Тема: After School
 Позашкільні заходи - це завжди весело і цікаво. Попрацюйте над вправою 1 ст.31 Запишіть, будь ласка у зошит відповіді на запитання. Розгляньте малюнки і згадайте позашкільні заходи.

 Drama Club 
 Dancing class
 Art club
 sport club 
 Music club

Подивіться відео та згадайте вимову. Запишіть коротко, що ви зрозуміли з цього відео у зошит. 

After School

   We have spoken about what pupils do at school, at lessons and during breaks. But boys and girls don't spend the whole day at school. This talk will be about what they do when school is over and they are free. Not everybody goes home after the last lesson. Many boys and girls - the most active members of the class and school - stay at school for so me time for social activities. They organize parties, conferences, and games meetings. The school library is open at this time for pupils who come to choose a new book or read an interesting magazine. There are different after-school clubs at school; each member of an after-school club goes there to do something which interests him. Sports sections are also very popular. Their members play games and go in for gymnastics. You can see boys and girls from all classes either in the gymnasium or on the sport-ground. As you know, schoolchildren have to study after school, too. They have homework to do. When do you think it is better to begin doing homework? As doctors and teachers say, the best time is after dinner and an hour's walk. If you have no rest, it'll be difficult to prepare your lessons. Work about the house is a good rest from studying, too. The English people say, “A change of work is as good as a rest”. So it is useful to go to the shops and buy something. But if you meet a friend in the street, don't talk too much because you'll have too little time for your lessons.

 Завдання додому: Читати та перекладати текст. Переклад запишіть у зошит.

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