Завдання для учнів 8го класу

Тема: Time for reading
The first. Let's read the text and traslate it, put the the correct form from a-e the one which best fits each space 1-5 ( translate please write in your notebook) 


Read the memories about the first day in the middle school. Choose from (a-e) the one which best fits each space (1-5).

This is my little middle school story: On the first day, I was totally nervous. Standing at the bus stop, I was with one guy that seemed like he was two feet taller than I was — a «big middle school guy.» I got on the bus (1) ... , and they weren’t even my friends. When I got to school, I felt like it was a zoo! So many halls and classes, and I didn’t know my way around or any of these people. Ay! I found my homeroom and there were two of my good friends, (2) ... . My homeroom teacher, (3) ... and a great friend to this day, made everything really easy for everyone. She explained everything and answered any and every question. Eventually, (4) ... , it was great. And one of my biggest recommendations ... get involved! Student council, sports, clubs, everything. The only losers are the ones (5) ... , liberty, and the pursuit of fun pass them by. Besides, you’ll meet more people and teachers, go on lots of field trips, and all sorts of other good stuff. All and all, a big part of me wishes I were still in middle school.

a) which was comforting

b) who let life

c) I made so many new friends in all my classes

d) who also turned out to be my English teacher the year after

e) not knowing more than three people

The second: read and translate this rime


It sure gives us education

And a long summer and winter vacation

Eight periods in each day

Lots of games and fields to play

One has to work hard

To get a good report card

One has to do a lot of exercises

To get medals and prizes

Boys and girls here don’t scream

We all work together as a team

Students here don’t waste their time in gossips

But try their best to keep their promises.

Home work: ex.1/2 p.98 ( write in your notebook)

Тема: Your school time

the first: write the questions and you answers to your notebook.

Answer the questions.

1. Do you like all the teachers in your school?

2. Do you think that teachers should be strict?

3. What do you do if the lesson is boring?

4. Are you allowed to do everything you wish at the lessons?

5. Do you keep the school rules?

6. Can you be punished?

7. Do you respect your teachers? What for?

The second: write the words in ukrainian and make very short sentences.

 ✵ погляд,

✵ жахливий,

✵ сварити,

✵ в тиші,

✵ штовхати,

✵ хоча,

✵ замість,

✵ війна,

✵ приносити,

✵ бомбити,

✵ озирнутись,

✵ страждати,

✵ пліт,

✵ залишитись живим,

✵ уявляти,

Home work: p. 85 ( please repead the grammar Past continuous Tense). Ex. 2,3 p.85

Тема: School is cool
The first: 
Please uswer thr questions. Write please in you notedook.

Answer the questions.

1. What does the word «school» mean for you?

2. When do children go to school in Ukraine?

3. When do pupils leave school?

4. How many years do pupils learn at school?

5. Is our school beautiful?

6. What is your favourite school subject?

7. DO schoolchildren have classes outdoors?

8. Is the atmosphere formal in Ukrainian schools?

9. HOW many days a week do pupils usually have classes?

10. DO you like to go to school? Why? Why not?

11. What is the best thing about going to school?

The second: ( write answers to youe notebook)

Do you think you are a happy person? Do this quiz and find out.

1. I stop enjoying a game when I am losing badly. (T / F)

2. I can enjoy a joke when it is on me.  (T / F)

3. I am pleased when a friend receives praise in my presence. (T / F)

4. If a person jumps the queue in front of me, I always openly object to it. (T / F)

5. I get bored easily with hobbies.  (T / F)

6. I daydream often.   (T / F)

7. I wish for many things.   (T / F)

8. I am overweight.   (T / F)

9. I enjoy reading fiction.   (T / F)

10. I hate to go to bed.   (T / F)

11. I think I am attractive.   (T / F)

12. I take criticism well.   (T / F)


Give yourself 1 point for each correct answer.

1 False, 2 True, 3 True, 4 False, 5 False, 6 False, 7 False, 8 False, 9 True, 10 False, 11 True, 12 True.

✵ 9-12 points: compared with others, you are quite a happy person. You seem to maintain a good balance between what you expect out of life and what you actually receive. You are attractive to others because of your live-and-let-live attitude.

✵ 5-8 points: You have your ups and downs but for the most part, you ate moderately happy. There’s no burning desire to change your life. You’d probably have an uplifting effect on someone who is less happy than you, but at the same time you could benefit if you associated with those happier than yourself.

✵ 0-4 points: You could be much happier! Somehow, you’ve developed a perspective on life that is a bit lopsided.

Review each of your answers and try to find out a way to change your perspective.

Home work.

Ex.4, 5 p. 83

Тема: School’s team 
Давайте згадаємо, хто працює у нашій школі?
Teachers of subjects 
Згадайте ці професії та запишіть у зошит хто працює у нашій школі за цими спеціальностями.
Let’s make an ex. 3(a/b) on p. 81 - read and translate. 
Переклад та завдання до тексту запишіть у зошит. Виконану вправу пришліть мені на вайбер;)

15.10.2020 Тема: Healthy food for you
 Опрацюйте письмово вправу 6 ст. 36. 
Дайте свою правильну відповідь та запишіть. Фото виконаних робіть кидайте мені на вайбер 0982077270 За будь-яких питань - звертайтеся!


Тема: Healthy life stile
Виконайте тест на сторінці 35 вп. 5 - занишіть результати у зошит.
Виконайте вправу письмово 6 ст. 36.

Прочитайте текст та перекладіть. Запишіть, що на вашу думку означає "Helthy Eating"
та "Who is Healthy Eaters?" 

What Does Healthy Eating Mean?

Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals.

Nutrition is important for everyone. When combined with being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight, eating well is an excellent way to help your body stay strong and healthy. If you have a history of breast cancer or are currently undergoing treatment, eating well is especially important for you. What you eat can affect your immune system, your mood, and your energy level.

No food or diet can prevent you from getting breast cancer. While researchers are still studying the effects of eating unhealthy food on breast cancer and recurrence risk, we do know that being overweight is a risk factor for both first-time and recurrent breast cancer. In this section, you can learn how to eat in a way that keeps your body as healthy as it can be.

Read on for information about food groups, nutrients, how to create a healthy eating plan, how to figure out portions, and how to enjoy your food without overeating.


Тема: Helthy Eaters

Виконайте вправу 7 ст. 36 - міні поект. Зробіть таблицю дослідженнь денного харчування кількох ваших друзів. Замалюйте та запишіть результати у зошит у формі міні проекта.

PS все робити за схемою у вправі;)

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